Complicate your world, not mine.
Today I feel very creative. Very renewed. It could be the fact that I'm free. Finally. Or maybe it's that I've been up since six and I'm not the least bit tired. That or maybe it's because all the jumble and mix up in my head is untangled. For the first time in a long time everything seems okay. My mind is trying to occupy it's self by thinking of something..anything that's wrong and it's having a hard time finding something. Making me a little uneasy today. Kind of jumpy. A little spastic. But that's okay. I'd also like to note that I have everyone in my life that I need right now. I have my friends (the important ones), my family, and Frank. It's nice just talking to him. Not 'dating' him. Or making it official. Giving it a title. Titles just complicate things and the last thing I want right now is any more complications.