
I miss the pull of your heart.

I roll over, stretch, open my eyes...and he's laying next to me. Right there. I didn't believe it. I touch his face...he's there. It's him. I go to say something, but nothing comes out. He smiles. And kisses me. I get closer to him. My heads on his chest. Taking in what I can, while I can. Remembering what it feels like to be with him. His smell. The way he tastes. His smile. The way his eyes look at me. The way his hands hold me. I run my finger over the tattoo on him arm. Then the one on his chest. My hearts in my throat. My breathing is steady. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head until I'm looking into his eyes. He kisses me again. He flips me over and he's laying on top of me. He pushes himself up and kisses me again. And again.. and some more. He rolls over next to me. We're laying face to face. I go to say something again, and he puts his finger to my lip, chuckles, and kisses me again. I, once again, put my head on his chest. I fall asleep for a few minutes. Then I go to grab my's his ring tone. I open it to make the ringing stop and throw it aside. I roll over, stretch, open my eyes...and he's gone. "I hate that I can't be with you when I want too. I miss you babe" Sometimes I think they do it on purpose. My dreams. To show me what I could have. To show me what life would be like if he didn't have to be away. It felt so real though. I really could feel him under me. I really could smell him. I could taste him. Fell the warmth of his breath. The warmth of his touch. It was all there, but he wasn't. I'm happy that I can have dreams like this. Dreams that make reality a joke. But whenever I roll over, stretch, and open my eyes...I want him to really be there.