I've been having second thoughts;
I’m not a baby. I’m not too young. I’m quite mature for my age..or so I’ve been told. I have my momments where I act like a child. Throw a fit to get my way. Pout. Cry. Laugh. Run around. Act ridiculous. Regardless, I don’t believe there should be an age limit on anything (most things). “You’re to young to: date him, get married, fall in love, stay home alone, take the car out for the night” the list could go on forever until I typed my fingers to a bloody stub. The point is who are you to tell me that based on my age I’m not capable of doing something. I’ll tell you who; you’re nobody. So get out of my way. I’m 16, and I’m going to do what I thinks best for me… now excuse me while I go rob a bank.