
He's leavin tomorrow, I'll survive.

I know, weird. Second post in a day. But I felt like talking about Frank having to leave. So tomorrow he leaves. I was actually with him once, last night. And now he's leaving until June. And I don't think it's fair. He comes, he leaves. We see each other once, and he already has to go. It's not that I think he's "the one" but for now things seem pretty good. He's just the right amount of asshole-ness and, being nice to me. He's the un-perfect gentleman. And that's what I've been looking for. Nice to talk to, good to look at, clean cut to a point, can french inhale with the best of em', calls me mean names but doesn't mean it, throws me around like I weigh close to nothing, has the hottest tattoo's, tastes good, pays attention to little things, and last but not least is a Marine. And anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a sucker for a man in uniform. Especially if that uniform includes a very nice hat. Maybe he'll come home sooner then later. All I know is I want him with me tonight..I'll survive without him..for now.